4 Quick Ways to fix an I/O Device Error


Summary: In this article, we will introduce you the I/O device error and quick ways to fix it up.

Ever encountered the error message Drive is not accessible. The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error (0x8007045d)? Well, I am certainly sure that in some point in life you must have come across this message while working on your computer device, and then found yourself wondering about What is an I/O device error?, How to fix this error? Will it have any impact on my data? And so on.

IO Device Error FIX

If this has ever happened to you, then stop worrying! As in this article, we will explain to you the various ways to eliminate this error without letting you lose your precious data.

What is an I/O device error?

An I/O device error stands for Input/Output device error, this happens when the Windows fail to perform an input and output action while it is trying to access a disk or a drive.

This error message can come up in various kinds of hardware units like SD card, USB drive, external Hard Drive,  etc.

What causes an I/O device error to occur?

Following are the usual messages that would flash on your screen when there is an I/O device error:

  • I/O error 32, I/O error 21 and other similar I/O error codes.
  • The request cannot be performed due to an I/O device error.


  • The storage device is not correctly connected; the PC is not able to detect the attached device.
  • The USB port on your device is probably damaged or not in a working condition.
  • The storage device is incompatible or outdated.
  • The storage device that you are trying to connect is dirty.
  • The memory card or the USB drive that is connected is being recognized with a different drive letter.
  • Windows is probably using a transfer mode which cannot be used by the hardware device.

How to fix the message I/O device error?

Before we go ahead with the possible solutions to remove this error message from Windows 10, 8, 7 or while using the SD card, external hard drive, it is essential to recover all your data from the drive to prevent data loss while pursuing the fix procedure. Using a high-quality software recovery tool will be a great help in this case.

Don’t Miss: 3 Ways to Fix the Request Failed due to a Fatal Device Hardware Error

Recover data using Bitwar Data Recovery Software

Step1. Download the free data recovery software from the official site: https://www.r-datarecovery.com. After downloading, install and launch the software.

Download for PCDownload for Mac

Step2. Now, select the partition from where you want to recover the data and click on Next. In this case, you will have to attach the external device to the computer from where you want to restore the data.

Step3. Select the scanning mode and the file types, followed by a click on the Next button to start the scan process.

Step4. Once the scanning is completed, you can preview the scanned files to be recovered by clicking on the Recover button.


If this scan could not find the desired files, try the Deep Scan option to search for the files at each sector of the hard drive. This scan process will take more time than a Quick Scan and will not display the actual files name in the scan result.

After recovering your data using the Bitwar Data Recovery Software, it’s time to fix I/O device error with below 4 Solutions.

Solution1: Check storage device connection

As already stated above that the I/O device error could occur due to an improper connection! Thus, it is important to check for the USB connection.

Step1. Remove the storage device from the current port and plug it into another port, cable or an adapter.

Step2. Try to open the drive that you want. If the error was due to a faulty port then connecting a device to another port should help, else follow other solutions to fix the issue.

Solution2: Update the device driver

In case the storage device is damaged, outdated or incompatible with your system, you will see this error message on your screen the request cannot be performed due to an I/O device error.

To solve this problem, you need to download, install and update your device driver. After doing so, remove the connected device and try to reconnect it with your system to check if it can still be detected or not.

Solution3: Repair using a Command Prompt

Use the command line to check and repair Disk errors.

Step1. Launch Command Prompt and run CHKDSK command to gain required privileges as an administrator for the scan.

Step2. Type the command chkdsk / f x: and press Enter.

Step3. Replace the drive letter x with the name of your drive where you would like to run the scan.

Step4. Type exit and press on Enter.

Chkdsk f f

Solution4: Change the transfer mode of the drive

Windows will be unable to transfer data from the drive to the computer system if the drive’s transfer mode is incorrect or modified. Follow the below steps to fix this issue.

Step1. Press Win Logo Key + R and then type devmgmt.msc to open Device Manager.

Step2. Now, expand IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. Doing this will let you see a list of IDE ATA/ATAPI channels.

Step5. Right, click on the channel to which the external drive is attached and then click on Properties. Usually, Secondary IDE Channel is used for the external hard drives.

Step6. Now, click on PIO Only option from the labeled box Transfer Mode, it is for the device that represents the external hard drive on the Advanced Settings labeled tab. This device is usually set to 0.

Step7. After this click on OK and close all the opened windows and restart the computer to check the drive.

Following any of the above-given solutions should help in solving the I/O device error.

Read More: Fast Fix: DISKPART has Encountered an Error Access is Denied


I/O device error mainly occurs due to a problem in the hardware device or the external media that you are using to connect to your computer. Another reason can be a faulty program or a driver.

There are many ways to resolve this issue; however, there are chances that the data may get lost while performing these actions. Therefore, the need for using a trustworthy recovery tool is utmost.

Bitwar Data Recovery Software is one such tool that promises to deliver quick and 100% results. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating system and has a user-friendly interface.

So, choose wisely and follow the above steps to fix the I/O device error without any hassle!

Download for PCDownload for Mac

Read More:

  1. 7 Solutions to Fix USB Device Malfunctioned & Not Recognized Error
  2. Look! The Best Ways to Recover Deleted Files by Antivirus
  3. Fast Fix: Invalid Value for Registry when Opening Video & Image Files
  4. 6 Effortless to fix one of Your Disk Needs to be Checked for Consistency

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